Bachelor Requirements
Area of Personal Development (11 Hours Minimum)
Literature and Christian Studies (9 hours)
Take this specific course (3 hours):
ENG 210 Literary Studies (3 hours) (prerequisite: ENG 112)
Take two courses on this list (6 hours):
CHS 111 Introduction to Old Testament Study (3 hours)
CHS 121 Introduction to New Testament Study (3 hours)
CHS 130 Christ and Culture (3 hours)
PHI 241 Introduction to Philosophy (3 hours)
Art, Drama, and Music
Take one course on this list (2 or 3 hours)
ART 110 Understanding Art (2 hours)
ART 310 Art History I (3 hours)
ART 311 Art History II (3 hours)
MUS 125 Understanding Music (2 hours)
MUS 221 Music Literature (3 hours)
TH 131 Introduction to Theater (3 hours)
Areas of Symbolics of Information (9 Hours Minimum)
English Composition
Take each course on this list (6 hours):
ENG 111 Freshman Composition I (3 hours)
ENG 112 Freshman Composition II (3 hours) (prerequisite: ENG 111)
Take one course on this list (3 to 4 hours):
MTH 110 College Mathematics (3 hours)
MTH 111 College Algebra (3 hours)
MTH 112 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry (3 hours)
MTH 123 Elementary Calculus and Its Applications (3 hours)
MTH 130 Elementary Statistics (3 hours)
MTH 210 Calculus I (4 hours)
Areas of Personal Skill Development (6 Hours Minimum)
Health Promotion, Mass Communication, Computing/Technology and Financial Wellness (6 or 7 hours)
Take one course from two of these four subject areas:
Health Promotion
HP 180 Principles for Wellness (3 hours)
HP 200 Healthful Living (3 hours)
Mass Communication
MAC 120 Fundamentals of Speech (3 hours)
MAC 140 Introduction to Communication (3 hours)
Computing and Technology
CIS 100 Computer Concepts and Applications (3 hours)
CIS 160 Programming I (with lab) (4 hours)
LIS 150 Information Mastery (3 hours)
Computing and Technology
Financial Wellness
BA 101 Financial Wellness (3 hours)
Area of Science and Social Sciences (15 Hours Minimum)
Biological Science
Take one course on this list (3 or 4 hours):
Note: P-5 teacher certification must take the 1-hour lab associated with the course
chosen from this list:
BIO 103 The Global Environment (3 hours)
BIO 110 Biology (3 hours)
BIO 200 Biological Concepts (with lab) (4 hours)
Physical Science
Take one course on this list (3 hours):
Note: P-5 teacher certification must take the 1-hour lab associated with the course
chosen from this list:
CHE 100 Introduction to Chemistry (3 hours)
CHE 111 General Chemistry I (3 hours)
GEO 105 Introductory Earth Science (3 hours)
GEO 211 Physical Geology (3 hours)
PHY 131 Conceptual Physics (3 hours)
PHY 132 Introduction to Astronomy (3 hours)
PHY 141 General College Physics I (3 hours)
Economics, Psychology, and Sociology (6 hours)
Take one course from two of these three subject areas:
ECO 110 Introduction to Economics (3 hours) (for students in non-business programs)
ECO 221 Macroeconomics (3 hours)
ECO 222 Microeconomics (3 hours)
PSY 111 General Psychology (3 hours)
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology (3 hours)
SOC 270 Diversity and Community Building (3 hours)
History and Political Science
Take one course on this list (3 hours):
HST 110 United States to 1877 (3 hours)
HST 120 United States Since 1877 (3 hours)
HST 231 World Civilization to 1650 (3 hours)
HST 242 World Civilization Since 1650 (3 hours)
POL 110 American Government (3 hours)
Other Required Courses For All First-time New Students (2 Hours)
(Does not count toward General Education hours)
OR 100 First-Year Experience I (small group) (1 hour)
OR 100-91 FIRST CLASS (large group) (0 hours)
OR 110 First-Year Experience II (1 hour)