Students were allowed a free day to explore destinations of their choice on Sunday and many students chose to wander through the National Zoo. While they weren't visiting a media specific location, they still turned the experience into a learning one as they practiced photography with subjects that sit still for no one.
Some have also begun to develop a new respect for areas of interest they were once uninterested in. T.J. Terrell, a freshman with a broadcast major and theater minor from Willisburg, Ky., said,
“My knees are killing me and I'm getting a whole new respect for these fields and a new love for them. The shots are so fun and amazing. I am thinking of doing more online journalism and videos online with my own artistic style. Doing this might help me express myself better than I have been. I have never thought about using story and footage as a mental outlet in that way. I'm not sure how I'd do it though. I am doing a little bit online with my media page “TFG” but I get investment with no return at the moment. I want to find a way to build more of an advertiser safe place so they feel more comfortable working with us in the future.”

Senior Ariel C. Emberton, history and journalism major from Tompkinsville, Ky., said,
“While today was not as media oriented as I would have liked, it was still a day well spent. We all sent photos back and forth of where we were and I got to try my hand at animal photography. It was a bummer to get rained out of the zoo but everyone enjoyed the day and got to try interesting food along the way. I got to experience what it was like to be a photographer in uncontrollable weather, which is something I haven't experienced very much.
“To end the day, I sat down and created a rough layout of the magazine and looked over what photos we want to try and incorporate. We also tried to come up with a game plan of what we want to try and get tomorrow at the Newseum.”
Students were able to spend their Monday in the Newseum, a museum dedicated to the news, information and truth.