Cassie Emery is Campbellsville University Valentine Queen
Cassie Emery is Campbellsville University Valentine Queen

Winners in the annual Valentine Pageant tonight at Campbellsville University were Cassie Emery, center, Queen; Maiya Henderson, right, firstrunner-up, and Rebekah Mobley, left, second runner-up. Emery represented Baptist Campus Ministry and is a junior from Cloverport, Ky.Henderson is a freshman from Bowling Green, Ky., and she represented the Black Student Association. Mobley is a sophomore from Elizabeth-town, representing the Office of Enrollment Services. Emery will represent Campbellsville University in the annual Kentucky Mountain LaurelFestival in Pineville, Ky., May 24-27. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ariel Emberton)