Art Area
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Art Area
Art Area with an emphasis in Graphic Design
Art Area with an emphasis in Teacher Certification
- All Locations
- Campbellsville
Art Area Degrees
B.A. CertificationArt Area - 48 Hours Minimum
Art Courses - 39 Hours
Take each course on this list: 37 Hours
ART 101 Drawing I - 3
ART 120 Elements of Design - 3
ART 121 Graphic Design I - 3
ART 202 Drawing II - 3
ART 214 Painting I - 3
ART 215 Ceramics I - 3
ART 221 Three-Dimensional Design - 3
ART 222 Sculpture I - 3
ART 310* Art History I - 3
ART 311* Art History II - 3
ART 314 Painting II - 3
ART 410 Twentieth Century Art History - 3
ART 470 Senior Exhibit and Seminar - 1
Choose one course from this list: 2 Hours
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I - 3
Art Electives - 9 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling nine hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.
*General Education Course
Art Area with Graphic Design Emphasis - 48 Hours Minimum
Art Courses - 39 Hours
Take each course on this list: 34 Hours
ART 101 Drawing I - 3
ART 120 Elements of Design - 3
ART 121 Graphic Design I - 3
ART 202 Drawing II - 3
ART 214 Painting I - 3
ART 215 Ceramics I - 3
ART 221 Three-Dimensional Design - 3
ART 321 Graphic Design II - 3
ART 410 Twentieth Century Art History - 3
ART 421 Graphic Design III - 3
ART 422 Graphic Design IV - Digital Illustration - 3
ART 470 Senior Exhibit and Seminar - 1
Choose one course from this list: 3 Hours
ART 310* Art History I - 3
ART 311* Art History II - 3
Choose one course from this list: 2 Hours
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I - 3
Art Electives - 9 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling nine hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.
*General Education Course
Art Area with Teacher Certification - 87 Hours Minimum
Student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all university coursework for admission into the Educator Preparation program. He/she must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all professional education courses with no grade less than a “C.” He/she must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in the major or area with no grade less than a “C.”
Art Courses - 39 Hours
Take each course on this list: 37 Hours
ART 101 Drawing I - 3
ART 120 Elements of Design - 3
ART 121 Graphic Design I - 3
ART 202 Drawing II - 3
ART 214 Painting I - 3
ART 215 Ceramics I - 3
ART 221 Three-Dimensional Design - 3
ART 222 Sculpture I - 3
ART 310* Art History I - 3
ART 311* Art History II - 3
ART 314 Painting II - 3
ART 410 Twentieth Century Art History - 3
ART 470 Senior Exhibit and Seminar - 1
Choose one course from this list: 2 Hours
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I - 3
Art Electives - 9 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling nine hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.
*General Education Course
Teacher Education Coursework
Education Courses - 6 Hours
ART 330 Elementary School Art, P-5 - 3
ART 431 Secondary School Arts and Crafts - 3
Professional Education Courses - 33 Hours
ED 199 Entry to Teacher Preparation - 0
ED 220 Introduction to Teaching - 3
ED 300 Human Development and Learning Theory - 3
ED 310 Instructional Technology - 3
ED 325 Teaching Diverse Learners - 3
ED 359 Content Literacy - 3
ED 390 Assessment and Instructional Strategies - 3
ED 414 Classroom Management - 3
ED 450 Student Teaching - 12
Additional Requirements - Before Student Teaching
Art Program Requirements
- Entrance to Art Education Program
- Videotape of six-15 high school art pieces
- Written Pre-test
- Videotape of three-five pieces from ART 101,120, 202, 221.
- Videotape of Senior Exhibit
- Written post-test
Teacher Education Continuous Assessment Program Requirements (CAP)
- CAP I: Intent to enter Teacher Education
- CAP II: Admission Requirement
- CAP III: Admission to Student Teaching
Portfolio meeting all new teacher standards based on course experiences is required. - CAP IV: Program Completion/Exit
Portfolio meeting all new teacher standards based on course experiences is required for program exit.
Art Elective List
ART 121 Graphic Design I - 3
ART 215 Ceramics I - 3
ART 222 Sculpture I - 3
ART 280 Special Topics - 3
ART 300 Stagecraft II - 3
ART 302 Drawing III - 3
ART 312 Aesthetics - 3
ART 314Painting II - 3
ART 315 Ceramics II - 3
ART 320 Photography - 3
ART 321 Graphic Design II - 3
ART 322 Sculpture II - 3
ART 324 Sculpture III - 3
ART 335 Printmaking I - 3
ART 350 Watercolor I - 3
ART 390 Special Studies in Art History I - 1-3
ART 411 World Art - 3
ART 412 Graphic Design and Animation History - 3
ART 414 Painting III - 3
ART 416 Ceramics IV - 3
ART 421 Graphic Design III - 3
ART 422 Graphic Design IV - Digital Illustration - 3
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I - 3
ART 435 Printmaking II - 3
ART 442 Studio Problems II - 2
ART 443 Studio Problems II - 3
ART 450 Watercolor Painting II - 3
ART 460 Service Learning Internship - 1-4
ART 461 Animation I - 3
ART 462 Animation II - 3
ART 463 Animation III - 3
ART 490 Special Studies in Art History II - 1-3
Important Information
All students who choose to minor, major or study an area of art must present a portfolio of artwork from their studies in high school, from private instruction, or done on their own for videotaping early in their first semester of study. Thereafter, artwork from ART 101, ART 120, ART 202 and ART 221 will be videotaped to document progress or lack of progress for accreditation, assessment and evaluation purposes.
Sophomore Review
Art students who are pursuing an art major (36 hours) or art area (48 hours) or Bachelor of Fine Arts will have successfully completed four foundations courses (ART 101, ART 102, ART 202, and ART 221) with a G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher OR the student will have completed 56 credit hours of study, whichever option occurs first.
The student will present a portfolio of work to the Art faculty within three weeks of the end of the semester when either of the above criteria is met. The portfolio will show ambition of concept/ideas, growth of craftsmanship/techniques, competency of design and personal motivation. Twelve to 15 pieces must be shown. These may be pieces of actual work or images captured in an acceptable electronic format. With either submission, the student is expected to present a brief written statement about each work and be able to explain it to the Art faculty.
If the student's work is not acceptable to pass the sophomore review, the student may retake a class in order to produce stronger work to be shown in a second review the following semester. If work does not pass two consecutive review sessions, the student will need to pursue an art minor (24 hours) and choose another major. No student can proceed to a major of art study with a failing review. This process is to ensure that students are serious about their artwork and competent to finish the course of study in art successfully.

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