Sports Medicine- Pre-Athletic Training
Courses Offered at:
- Campbellsville
Sports Medicine- Pre-Athletic Training Degrees
B.S.Course Offerings
Exercise Science, Pre-Professional, Area - 75 hours
Science & Math Core Curriculum- 26
- BIO 221 Anatomy & Physiology I (MTH 111 pre-req)- 4 hours
- BIO 222 Anatomy & Physiology II (4 hours)
- CHE 110 Prep for General Chemistry I or CHE 11 Gen Chemistry I or CHE 100 Intro to Chemistry or CHE 101 Chemistry for Health Sciences (3 hours)
- BIO 348 Medical Terminology (3 hours)
- PHY 141 Physics I (3 hours)- MTH 112 Pre-req (no lab needed)
- MTH 11 College Algebra (3 hours)
- MTH 112 Trigonometry & Geometry (3 hours)
- MTH 130 Elementary Statistics or PSY/SOC 361 Social Statistics (3 hours)
Human Performance Core Curriculum- 43
- HP 200 Healthful Living (3 hours)
- HP 250 Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries (HP 230 or BIO 221 Pre-req) 3 hours
- HP 300 Strength Training & Conditioning (BIO 221 or HP 230 Pre-req) 3 hours
- HP 314 Sport Nutrition (3 hours)
- HP 389 Kinesiology Laboratory (1 hour)- BIO 221 Pre-req
- HP 390 Kinesiology (BIO 221 Pre-req) 3 hours
- HP 393 Biomechanics (HP 390 Pre-req) 3 hours
- HP 399 Physiology of Exercise Laboratory (co-requisite with HP 400) 1 hour
- HP 400 Physiology of Exercise (HP 390 pre-req) 3 hours
- HP 415 Ethics in Sport (3hours)
- HP 420 Exercise Testing & Prescription I (HP 390 Pre-req) 3 hours
- HP 421 Exercise Testing & Prescription II (HP 420 Pre-req) 3 hours
- HP 475 Conditioning & rehabilitation In Sport & Activity (HP 390 Pre-req) 3 hours
- HP 485 Internship (7 hours)
- HP 490 Senior Seminar (1 hour)
Restrictive Electives- Choose 6 hours
- HP 355 Stress Management (3 hours)
- HP 375 Current Issues & Trends (3 hours)
- HP 430 Psychology of Sport (3 hours)
- HP 450 Physical Activity & Aging (3 hours)
- PSY 321 Lifespan Development (3 hours) ** Recommended
- BIO 475 Human Physiology (4 hours) on Demand
- HP 234 Safety in Sport (2 hours)
- HP 485 Internship (1 hour)
- Other upper division hours with approval of advisor

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