Pet of the Month — Past Finalists
April 2022

Lindsey Hammers (‘12)
This is Charlie. He is a mix between a poodle and a shitzu and he is 11 years old.
Charlie was actually given to me by one of my favorite professors at CU: Susan Blevins.
He is a true lap dog and loves every person he meets. Charlie perks up at the mention
of a ride or walk and he is really good at getting whatever he wants with his puppy
dog eyes. Not too shabby of a dresser either as you can see from his Christmas bow
tie. He is the best dog.

Randy Dill (‘73)
Our toy schnauzer “Basil” (now going on 10 years) has a most mischievous personality
and still acts like he's a puppy. He is beyond spoiled rotten and usually gets his

Jenni Owen (‘14)
Gus is feisty and a ball of energy most of the time. Here he is trying to catch snowflakes
as they pass the window. He is named Gus after my favorite character in my most loved
childhood film, “Cinderella”.

Franzeya Choate (Childress) (‘19)
Moxie is a miniature pincher with a big dog personality. She loves snuggling with
her momma, chasing cats, and making the neighborhood think she's bad. However, she
can't go to bed without her monkey and giving her momma kisses. She loves going on
walks, and getting all of her squeaky toys out of her doggy basket and making her
momma pick them up. Moxie found me in April of 2019!
March 2022

Alexandria Dalton (‘18)
Ash, or “Floof” as we affectionately call him, was found to have crawled up into a
car and was pulled out on campus one rainy day. After bottle feeding him every 3 hours
for weeks on end, he is a spoiled kitten who thinks he runs the house- much to the
disdain of our other cat Lux. His favorite spot is mine or my husband's face at 3
am and no cloth chair in our house is safe from his playful wrath. As seen in the
photo with his bowtie, we are teaching him to be a gentleman. However, his charming
looks are certainly deceitful at times- especially at 3 am.

Kimberly Miracle (‘10)
I spotted Levi at an adoption event at a local pet rescue. He was scared and timid.
It did not take long for his incredible personality to come out though. Levi loves
to play fetch, chase all manner of wildlife, sleep, and chill with a pup cup from

Robin Bradshaw (‘15)
Bo is a very spoiled Chinese Crested. He loves napping, treats, car rides, and of
course his Mommy. He has had many professional photos done, these were taken while
at his Sisters 6-month milestone shoot. He likes to pose for the camera and usually
steals the show.

Carolyn Howell (‘16)
Abby is a mix of sassy and sweet. She loves hanging out with her beagle brother (though
she'll never let on). Gives best snuggles and has been by my side since Fall break
my last semester at CU.
February 2022

Tonya Lemons-Klaes (‘86)
This Happy Big Boy is AK. He is a very happy and lovable cat for his size. He is the
2nd oldest one of our cats at 7 years old.

Lydia Holt (‘20)
Hank is the sweetest pup! He is a 4-month-old golden retriever and very active. His
favorite things to do are going on walks, playing tug of war, and taking naps on the
couch! Hank will always put a smile on your face!

Madelyn Wise ('16, ‘17)
My name is Knox. I am a blue Russian. I love to eat and sleep. I also like to play
with a laser and water bottles. I like to play fight with my humans and swat at them
when they walk past me. I am very spoiled and love to be rubbed.

Jody Stickle Camp (‘99)
Coee is a GSP/Beagle mix. She is named after the Ocoee River, but she loathes water.
She came to me as a bonus deal when I got married and she was actually the ring bearer
in our wedding. Coee has traveled to 36 states, hiked countless miles, and summited
hundreds of mountains, including several over 14,000 feet. She is a cuddly, well trained
adventure dog.

Audrey Price (‘21)
This is Fancy! She is a 1-year old mountain feist. Fancy enjoys hunting ground squirrels,
loves attention from everyone, and lives for belly rubs. She is a good girl, she's
so smart, and she's loved and spoiled by her owners.
January 2022

Joetta Kelly ('80)
His name is Finley and we love him to pieces!

Katy Johnson ('16, '19, '22)
Tiger is a rescue who showed up at my mom's church parking lot at about 6-7 weeks
old. He is an avid hunter even though we live in the middle of town. He comes to his
momma when I call, and acts more like his dog siblings but still has some classic
cat behaviors.

Megan Watkins ('00)
Gracie is our 3-month-old mini golden doodle. Her puppy teeth may be razor sharp but
she's so darn cute and smart! She has already learned several commands and is well
on her way to becoming such an awesome service dog and sweet companion.

Derek Alsip ('12)
Sammie is 11 years old. Rescued from the shelter in Campbellsville just before it
was shut down. She loves to run trails with ATV's and steal food at every opportunity.

Sandra Page ('64)
Zander is a 6-year-old Mastiff that I have had since he was 8 weeks old. He has decided
that I am his job. He started by helping me walk up hills on the farm then helping
me through mud and snow. Last winter I had a broken kneecap and he helped me from
wheelchair to couch or bed. Zander gained 12 lbs. because he would not go to barn
or walks because he stayed by my wheelchair! He has a very loving personality and
has many people friends and loves to go visiting and camping.
December 2021

Brittany Patrick (‘10)
Finley is a 17-pound Shorkie that thinks she's a guard dog but all she will do is
smother you in love and kisses. She has yet to meet a stranger and loves to go shopping
and play toys. She can't wait till Santa comes to fill her stocking.

Rachel Carpenter (‘21)
Meet Cooper, he is almost 2 years old rescued right before we went on lockdown. He
may be little but has a big personality. Loves toys, gives kisses and loves to cuddle.
He has a big appetite, and will do anything for a treat.

Shelby Rouse (‘16)
Pumpkin is the sweetest cat you'll ever meet! He's snuggly, energetic, and loves hanging
out with his people. While he has his occasional bursts of hilarious energy, you can
find him in a deep sleep most of the time!

Laura Chowning (‘04)
This is Penny, a dachshund terrier mix, who is around 13 years old. She's been part
of the family since October 2013. Since the pandemic, she learned she doesn't like
her crate, but also is not sure why her person has been home so much. In her old age,
she's has not been as much of a cuddling dog as she was when she first arrived, but
she's still great at staying by the window to bark at everyone and everything outside.
She is a joy!

Lucy & Roxy
Cara Lane Cape Simmons ('06, M'11)
Lucy 22 months (top) and Roxy 5 1/2 months (bottom) are our two Jack Russell Terriers!
Lucy loves playing ball, with squeaking balls being her favorite. Roxy loves to jump
as high as she can and prefers to walk on her back two feet. They are full of energy
and our little bundles of joy!
November 2021

Rex Henry
Brittany Johnson (‘10)
Rex Henry Johnson is an 8-year-old Morkie that loves unconditionally and is the most
comical little thing ever. He suffers from diabetes and cataracts in both eyes, but
he doesn't let that dim his life! He is spunky and will always find a way to make
you smile!

Victoria Thorpe (‘17)
Lucy Thorpe, 4-year-old Dalmatian who loves to chase balls, play fetch, gives tons
of kisses and will bark at her own shadow!

Kendall Riddle (‘17)
Grizzly is a 6-month-old German Shephard/Blue Heeler mix. He has tons of energy, but
loves to cuddle. His tennis ball is his favorite toy and he loves to gnaw on bones.
Hiking is one of his favorite activities. He is spoiled rotten and loves spending
time with his human.

Lit' Bit
Ruthie Gray (‘20)
Her name is Lit' Bit, and she is about 2-years-old. Lit' Bit was a kitten when we
found here and decided to make her our own. She loves to eat and sleep so now, lit'
Bit is not so little anymore. Fat and sassy and more to love!

Keliah Coverstone (‘19)
Cocoa is a really sweet answer to prayer! I was praying that I'd find a kitten because
my older cat (Kit-Kat) was lonely. Just a couple days later, I found Cocoa abandoned
at my workplace. She was 2 weeks old. Now she's 8 weeks old and charms everyone she
meets. She enjoys climbing furniture, wrestling with Kit-Kat, sleeping in my slippers,
and being wrapped up in blankets.
October 2021

Amber Holder (‘10)
This is Kobi, one of my two 5-year-old cats. He's a bit of a mess and is into everything,
even when he shouldn't be! He's a total snuggle bug and will snuggle up any chance
he gets with a cozy blanket. He also has to be right by one of his humans and can
be found following me around the house anywhere I go.

Brandon Lakes (‘11)
Charlie is 8 years old and the best big fur brother! He loves any attention but also
loves to sleep.. a lot!

Aaron Nosich (‘17)
Millie loves walks and new toys. This bird is her newest. She also has a toy pig she
carries around and whines whenever it gets squeezed too loud.

Rupp and Ringo
Christy Nentwick (‘03)
Every brunette needs a blonde! Meet Rupp and Ringo!! They love treats, playing outside
and barking at the mailman!!

Dana Higgins White (‘85)
Bentley is an 8 pound, 11-year-old Italian Greyhound who enjoys camping and running
around the backyard. His top speed is 35 miles per hour even in his aging years. He's
quite the snuggler and is certainly a lady's man.
September 2021

Megan Hollifield ('13)
Tink is a mischievous little bunny. She is eight months old and loves playing with
all her toys and talking her humans into extra treats!

Kassie Parker ('17, ‘20)
Mia was rescued from Sugarfoot Farm Rescue as a puppy a little over a year ago. She
is one of the happiest and friendliest dogs you will ever meet. Mia loves to take
walks, go for long car rides, learn new tricks, and eat any human food she can get
her paws on!
Mia was our silver lining during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Now, we can't imagine our
lives without this fun-loving pup!

Matt Paris ('06)
This is Oscar “the grouch” who was found and rescued from a dumpster. She doesn't
like it when I have to work from home.

Gwinn Thompson ('70)
BoBo our beagle was adopted from a shelter and was already a family member when granddaughter,
Gracie, was born. She loves him so much and shares her special blanket with him on
his dog bed. Gracie is four and BoBo is nine.

Paula Bishop ('02)
This my chocolate lab Duke. He's 12 years old. He loves to run after his football
and a Gatorade bottle. He'll bring it back to you but won't let you have it. He's
getting up in age and I have to give him arthritis medicine but still very active.
He's the son of my son's lab Abbi.
August 2021

Amanda Stevens ('17)
Nite-Nite is about 12 or 13 years old. She loves having her belly rubbed. She is kind
of built like a corgie with little legs, but a very round body. She likes to pose
for pictures as though she's in a Sears photo shoot from the 80s.

William Cassell ('04)
Brandy is a 13-year-old Yellow Lab. She has been cuddled by our children and now our
grandchildren. She is too old to play fetch very long, but still tries, just to make
the grandkids happy. Brandy, she's a fine girl. (Pictured is Tinlee and Brandy)

Cheryl Akins ('19)
Von is a 5-year-old gentle giant. He is a boxmas (boxer mastiff). We adopted him from
the shelter last year. He LOVES tennis balls and treats! He knows how to sit, lay
down and shake. My family and I love him so much. He needed us, just as much as we
needed him.

Alisa Butler ('08, ‘12)
Helga, great Pyrenees/newfoundland mix. Biggest baby ever, great with my 2 kids and
neighbors, enjoys going on car rides, school parades this past 2 years to see students,
playing with toys outside and standing guard of her human kids! The colder the weather
the better for Helga!

Copper Swanson
Carolyn and Patrick Howell ('16 and ‘19)
Copper Swanson is a fun, playful, 2 year old Beagle Mix
July 2021

Little Man
Pam Cundiff ('16)
Little Man is definitely man's (my husband Robert) best friend. He can make you smile
on what seems to be the worst of days.

Marilyn Goodwin ('93)
Petey is our three-year-old boxer. He loves to play and loves his family.

Roxy and Daisy
Tara Haulk ('05)
Roxy is a playful Pitt/Australian Shepherd mix who loves to play fetch and be outdoors.
Daisy is a sweet little beagle who enjoys time in Mommy's lap, and enjoys kayaking
with her family.

Lela Rucker ('18)
His name is Festus and he's a 10-year-old Chihuahua. He loves to take naps and plays
the occasional game of fetch too!

Kristen Caudill ('06, '08, '12)
Daisy is a lovable German Shepherd. She loves her people and wants to be where ever
we are!

Kayla Landenberger ('13)
This is my pet Juliana micro pig named Copper. He is five years old and lives in the
house. We call him a “Pog” because he thinks he is part dog and pig. His best friend
is our cat Teddy. He has been to libraries, nursing homes, schools, and VBS within
the county and surrounding counties to do programs. His favorite place is the couch
where he takes a nap. He loves his fruit and veggies. He knows how to sit, circle,
jump and to nod yes. He even says “no, no, no” and momma when he throws a tantrum.
He resides in Summersville, KY with his big family that loves his so dearly.
June 2021

Holly Trowbridge ('21)
Lola is a five year old English Bulldog mix that loves taking care of her humans,
trying on new clothes and taking long naps throughout the day. Lola joined our family
after being “re-homed” in 2016 and we could not imagine our lives without her. She
is truly part of our family.

Glenna Bacon ('85)
Cal adopted me at B.R.A.W.A.. For over nine years I have been the human servant to
a very outgoing, loving cat. He is a fun cat who allows me to dress him up with clothing
and/or headgear for some of his Holiday photos. Cal is training me to be a better

Dennis Gilbert ('14)
His name is Oscar. He is a rescue. He is part Boston terrier, and English bulldog.
He is now 8 years old. Definitely a lap dog. Never meets a stranger and will probably
one day lick someone to death.

Sophie & Sparkles
Katie Bryant ('09, '19)
My cats, Sophie (blue collar) and Sparkles (pink collar) were being nosey neighbors
and staring out the window.

Michaela Jarman ('19)
Josie is a 3-month-old golden retriever mix. She makes frequent visits to the Lady
Tiger Golf team at practices and is their biggest fan. She loves to play, eat, and

Melissa Netherland ('95, '12, '20)
She is the sweetest and smartest dog I've ever had. We have to spell walk and outside
because she gets too excited if she hears the words. Loves being a lap dog…loves walks…don't
even mind getting a bath. But she can run faster than a deer!
May 2021

Molly Mustache & Meyer
Jacqueline Graves ('14)
Meet Molly Mustache and Meyer Graves. Molly Mustache plays the older sister role perfectly.
She is always there to boss Meyer around or give him a bath when she feels he needs
one. Fortunately, Meyer understands the hierarchy and obliges. These two enjoy playing
together, chirping at the birds, and taking catnaps in the sun.

Liberty & Pennie
Brittany O'Banion Preston ('06, '08)
Liberty is our 9-month-old Boston Terrier puppy who was born on the 4th of July! She's
an amazing dog and brings so much joy and laughter to our family. My daughter Avery
often insists she's her mom and I'm the grandma! Dogs just make life better!

Katy Johnson ('16. '19, '21)
Junebug Johnson is a full-blood beagle who has become the mascot of the student services
hallway at the Harrodsburg campus where her “dad” works (Jacob Johnson ‘18, ‘20).
She loves to play with her two human sisters Ella & Caroline, her dog brother Cash,
and kitty brother Tiger. Her favorite pastime is running on the family farm!

Trevor McWhorter ('12, '13)
Louie is our 8-month old golden. It's full-speed fun with this guy.

Dawn Humfleet ('15)
Glory is a German Shepherd that we adopted from a rescue shelter about 4 1/2 years
ago. She is 6 years old. Her favorite things to do are go for walks/runs and ride
in our vehicles with the windows down. We are so blessed to have her as our pet because
she brings so much joy and spunk to our lives.

Chasity Dotson ('14)
Say hi to Layla! This sweet girl has been a part of our family for almost two years.
Her favorite things to do are going for walks and doing tricks for treats! She's loves
meeting new people and is overall the sweetest girl around. We're so thankful to have
her around.
April 2021

Candace Sewell ('14)
Henry is an almost two-year-old Labrador Retriever. He enjoys the water, adventuring
and playing with his two sisters (also Labradors). He is a good-natured boy and loves
being outside.

Will & Katie King ('04)
Freya is 7-month-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. She enjoys chasing cats, stealing socks,
and taking your seat when you get up from the couch.

Pam Cundiff ('16)
God brought Kitty to me as I've always been allergic to cats, but not Kitty. She is
definitely my sweet little girl.

Carl Dean
Christy Boston ('06)
Carl Dean (named after Dolly Parton's husband) was found rescued as a stray. He is
a beagle mix, who loves being outside chasing the squirrels. He also has a minimum
of 9 stuffed animal “babies” and he has to have at least one by his side at all times.

Doug Gloyd ('95)
Bentley is four years old. We adopted him from Bluegrass Shihtzu in Lexington, Ky.
We have had him for about 16 months. He is a loving dog that enjoys his walks. He
is also a dog that lives to eat. He currently resides with us in Mayfield, Ky. He
is a big part of our family.

Kellie Vaughn ('06)
Mac is a 2-year-old mini labradoodle and she loves to play football, especially in
the snow.