Sept. 7, 2010
For Immediate Release
By Tawny Vilchis, student news writer
CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. - Christie Bagley of Mt. Washington, Ky., a 2008 graduate of Campbellsville University, is teaching English as a Second Language at a Christian school in Brazil.
She earned a Teaching English as a Second Language certificate (TESL) offered at CU. The certificate prepares students with the tools to earn certificates to teach overseas. Bagley graduated from the TESL program in December 2008.
As a TESL teacher, Bagley builds strong relationships with students by working one on one in a classroom setting. She teaches students to read, write, speak and listen in English.
Bagley said, “When they came to my classroom and told me about the TESL certification I automatically knew that was for me, and it really has greatly benefited my whole career on the mission field.”
According to Dr. Sandy Kroh, director of the ESL Institute and the masters in TESOL program at CU, the undergraduate TESL certificate is a 13-hour program that is ideal for someone who wants to pursue a career in missions overseas.
As a sophomore, Bagley satisfied all of her general education elective requirements with the TESL classes to ensure a timely graduation.
Bagley said, “I began immediately as a sophomore and I used the time that I would just take regular electives to do the TESL certification so I didn't have to stay in school any longer and instead of having just random electives I had all my electives go toward the certification.”
Kroh said, “ESL is a critical needs area in Kentucky and it's been published that it is. Students teaching ESL are just fast tracking teachers who have an ESL endorsement. If you want a job in Kentucky, this is one of the things that you can do to really ensure yourself a job.”
Many networks, for example the international Christian Schools ministry organization, only hire missionaries who are certified teachers.
Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with over 3,000 students offering 45 undergraduate programs, 16 master's degrees and five postgraduate areas. The website for complete information is