Education 5-9 Middle Grades
If you have a passion to make a difference in the lives of students, find your calling
in as a middle school teacher. A 5-9 middle grades degree at Campbellsville University
will help you change the lives of students.
A bachelor's degree in 5-9 middle grades provides coursework, blended with clinical
experiences that prepare candidates to teach with confidence. Middle grades degree
coursework emphasizes interdisciplinary content needed to teach math, science, social
studies, or language arts. Candidates may select one content area or two for middle
school education. Also, pre-service teachers learn about the art and science of teaching,
including classroom management, integration of technology, and skills necessary to
work with diverse students. A bachelor's degree in middle grades culminates in a full
semester of student teaching where candidates practice their new skills and learning.
Middle grades courses are offered on main campus.