Tiger Take-off




Pastor (PT), Dover Chapel General Baptist Church, Louisville, KY

Dover Chapel GB Church is seeking a bi-vocational (part-time) pastor who is interested in building relationships within our congregation and in our community, and who will love, lead and help equip our congregation to fulfill the mission of the church; “To unite people for the Worship of GOD and winning of Souls to Faith in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord through teaching and preaching the gospel. To extend the Kingdom of God to the uttermost parts of the world and worldwide mission efforts.” (See Matthew 28:19-20)

Our church is located in the Southwest end of Louisville, Kentucky and has a membership of around 120 with an average attendance of 70 for our Sunday service (Numbers are pre-COVID). Our worship service currently follows a blended format with contemporary and traditional music and a focus on prayer. We have mid-week Bible studies and activities for children, youth and adults. We desire a pastor who is a good communicator of well-prepared sermons, who will provide a vision for the future of the church and who will help the church reach for that vision. It is expected that the pastor will also be involved in pastoral counseling, pastoral visitation, weddings, funerals and other events in the day to day life of the church.

A parsonage is available and can be part of the overall compensation package. Compensation package is negotiable. Letters of inquiry or resumes may be sent to DoverPastorSearch@gmail.com or by mail to the church address: 4323 Dover Road, Louisville KY 40216, Attention: Ed Cox.