Feb. 11, 2014
For Immediate Release
Dr. Ralph Tesseneer, center, a member of the Campbellsville University Board of Trustees, was given
a digital photo frame with good wishes from the members of the CU Patrons of the Visual Arts to him
for his support of the arts. Tesseneer is a member of the Patrons board. At left is his wife Laura and
Linda J. Cundiff, chair of the department of art at CU, is holding the frame. The digital frame was the
idea of Jason England, assistant director of the Big Maroon Club at CU. (Campbellsville University
Photo by Joan C. McKinney)
Various members of the Patrons of the Visual Arts attending the ceremony at Bluegrass Way include the following from left: Back row — Mayor Tony Young, George Wise (hidden), Kenny Bennett, Chris Reynolds and Dr. Jerry Kibbons. Second row — Emma Revis, Billie Sue Kibbons and Tesseneer’s daughter Susan Tesseneer Walters, Laura and Dr. Ralph Tesseneer, Linda J. Cundiff, Carolyn Ogden, chair of the Patrons Board, and Pam Tennant. (Campbellsville University Photo by Jason England)