Close Request info for Criminal Justice Administration

Associate of Science in Criminal Justice Administration

Course Offerings

Associate of Science Degree in Criminal Justice: 62 Hours

General Education for Associate Degrees: 29 Hours
This general education course is required for this degree program.
POL 110* American Government 3

Required Courses: 21 Hours

Take each course on this list:
PSY 111 General Psychology 3
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology 3
CJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice System 3
CJ 235 Criminology 3
CJ 320 Police Operations and Programs 3
CJ 421 Corrections 3
CJ 440 Court Processes and Procedures 3

Criminal Justice Electives: 3

Choose courses from this list totaling at least three hours:
CJ 200 Fundamentals of Homeland Security 3
CJ 215 Criminal Investigation 3
CJ 330 Introduction to Forensics 3
CJ 332 Juvenile Delinquency 3
CJ 334 Introduction to Criminal Law 3
CJ 426 Probation and Parole 3
CJ 428 Internship 1-4
CJ 431 Civil Liberties 3
CJ 450 Victimology 3
CJ 485 Serial Killers 3
CJ 380/480 Special Topics 1-3
CJ 390/490 Independent Study 1-3

Psychology/Sociology Electives: 6 Hours

Choose two courses from this list:
PSY/SOC 333 Group Dynamics 3
PSY/SOC 341 Social Psychology 3
PSY 311 Learning and Behavior 3
PSY 412 Abnormal Psychology 3
SOC 230 Social Problems 3
SOC 342 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
SOC 413 Sociology of Deviant Behavior 3

Free Electives: 3 Hours

Choose courses totaling at least three hours from any discipline.


* General Education Course