International Student Orientation

Take your time going through this online orientation. and email us your questions. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Online Orientation

Pre-Arrival Checklist

Immigration Information (Find the link in the left column)
Immigration – The Basics presentation
Study in the States website

International Student Success (Find the link in the left column)
Prepare for Culture Shock
Academic Success in the American Classroom
What is General Education?
10 Quick Tips for Success
Stay Safe
Scam Warning

Global Engagement (Find the link in the left column)
Get Involved!
Understanding Americans
Tell Us What You Want

Pre-arrival Checklist

Tell Us About Yourself

We would like to know more about you. Please take just a few minutes to fill out this short form and tell us about yourself. (It should take about 5 minutes.)

Complete Your Enrollment Paperwork

Contact the Office of International Enrollment to make sure all your paperwork is completed before you arrive. Their contact information is at the bottom of this page.

Complete Your Immunizations

You are required to have up to date vaccines and a recent TB screening test. Complete this form with your doctor and return it to your enrollment counselor as soon as possible.

TB Skin Test

Reserve a Ride on the Airport Shuttle

If you would like to use the shuttle, we encourage you to reserve your seat as soon as possible after you know your arrival plans. You may visit the Airport Shuttle Sign-Up page to make your reservation.

Shop for Your Dorm

Are there things you need to purchase when you arrive, such as bedding, towels, and pillows? You have the opportunity to order the things you need before you arrive and we will have them waiting in your room.

This are some of the most popular companies that students order from:

Bed Bath and Beyond

If you place an order before you arrive, send it to this address:
Student Name c/o CGE
1 University Drive, 796
Campbellsville, KY 42718

You should prepare for your sheets and towels to be in your room when you arrive by bringing them with you or ordering them at least 2 weeks in advance so that there is time for them to arrive on campus.

Fall Semester Start Only
CU has partnered with Dormify to help you get the things you need. You have the option to order from Dormify and they will ship your things directly to CU.

If you are going to use this service, please place your order no later than July 15! Check out their website here.

Enroll in Your Classes

You will receive an email from Amanda with more information about this process. Please respond as soon as possible.

Activate Your Email on TigerNet

You will be not able to activate your email until you have completed your class enrollment. After you have your class schedule, follow these instructions to set up your student email account.

Activate Your Email

Pay Your Tuition

You should pay for your first semester before the semester begins.
Email your enrollment counselor for information about how much you should pay.
You can contact the Business Office for information about how to pay online, or you can send a wire transfer. This document will also give you additional information about your payment options and how to send a wire transfer to the university.

Important! Add the student’s name and CU student ID number to the notes and include the $35 wire transfer fee to the total amount due.

Download the CU app on your phone

This is the best way to receive news first and you will need to use the app for your daily health screenings.

You can find the app on the Google App Store or iPhone App Store

After you download the app, find the Center for Global Engagement in the Student Services tile and join our group.

Get Your Mailbox (UPO) Assignment

You will receive your Post Office Box (UPO) number and key during the in-person International Student Orientation. You will also need to log in to Tiger Net to complete an online mailbox registration process.

Get Your Student ID

  1. Take a headshot for your Student ID. The headshot should be from mid-torso up and include both shoulders. We will crop the photo accordingly before printing your ID.
    • Please be aware of your background. A solid background works best.
    • Remove dark glasses, hats, scarves, hoods, or anything that obstructs your face/head.
    • Your headshot should be front and center. Please maintain a professional stature as silly face photos will not be accepted.
  2. Send an email to
    • In the Subject Line type: “Student ID Request”
    • In the message provide the following information:
      • Name
      • Student ID Number
      • Date Of Birth
      • Attach a JPEG copy of your headshot
  3. Once your ID is printed and complete, you will receive an email indicating that your ID is ready for pickup at Campbellsville University – Office of Student Services.
    • If there is an error with your photo or the process you will receive a request for additional information.
    • Reprinted ID cost: $25

Purchase Your Books
Complete the CGE Compass Form

Fill out this form as soon as possible after you arrive on campus.


Attend CGE Compass

Fall 2023 International Student Orientation will take place on August 19.

Who will be there?
All new international students (including ESL students), the CGE staff, and other people that you will want to know from across campus.

Where will it be?
The Student Activities Center (also known as the SAC). Just come in the main entrance and you will see us.

When does it start?
We will have check-in from 9 am 10 am. Please be there between 9 and 9:30 so that you have time to complete the process.

What is going to be happening? 
You will check-in with the CGE staff. Then we will share information about Campbellsville University, the Center for Global Engagement, and immigration regulations.

We will also play the Orientation Challenge! Don’t forget to complete the online orientation before you come. You want to do well and win prizes during the Challenge

What do I need to bring?
Immigration documents: Passport, Visa, I-20, I-94. There are instructions for accessing your I-94 in the online immigration orientation.

Enrollment documents: Transcripts and Immunization Records (if you haven’t already turned them in.)

Attend New Student Orientation

All new CU students should attend New Student Orientation (NSO)!

During orientation, you will attend information sessions and workshops, participate in fun activities, and meet great people! You will also have the opportunity to take care of all your business with the offices on campus.

The Enrollment Office will provide information about this program and you will receive a complete schedule during the International Student Welcome.

**All New Students are required to attend New Student Orientation (including international students, athletes, and ESL students)

Attend the CGE Welcome Event

The week after classes start CGE would like to invite you to an international student welcome event!

All new and returning students are invited. Dinner will be served and we will have fun games and activities.

Come to meet new people, relax, and have fun!

The event is casual. Come in relaxed clothes an enjoy getting to know the people in our CGE community.


CGE Staff
Amanda Goforth, CGE Director –
Ask her questions about orientation, class enrollment, and preparing the come to CU.

Kasey Boone- CGE Director of Activities-
Ask her questions about orientation and the CGE airport shuttle.

Deborah Andrejco, Office Coordinator –
Ask her questions about the airport shuttles and preparing to come to CU.

International Enrollment Staff
Joshua Fuqua – Executive Director of International Enrollment –

Mr. Stephen Chafin – International Enrollment Counselor & Senior DSO –

Suzanne Bennett – International Data Specialist –

Other Campus Contacts
Contact Residence Life if you have questions about your dorm or your roommate.
You can also find the list of Resident Directors and their contact information on this web page.

Contact the Student Accounts Office if you have questions about how to pay for your tuition.