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Art Major

Art Major Degrees


Art Major – 36 Hours Minimum

Take each course on this list: 25 Hours
ART 101 Drawing I – 3
ART 120 Elements of Design – 3
ART 202 Drawing II – 3
ART 214 Painting I – 3
ART 221 Three-Dimensional Design – 3
ART 310* Art History I – 3
ART 311* Art History II – 3
ART 410 Twentieth Century Art History – 3
ART 470 Senior Exhibit and Seminar – 1

Choose one course from this list: 2 Hours
ART 432 Studio Problems I – 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I – 3

Art Electives – 9 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling nine hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.

*General Education Course

Art Major P-12 with Teacher Certification – 42 Hours Minimum

  • Must be combined with Secondary Education Minor, listed below, for 33 hours.
  • Student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all university coursework for admission into the Educator Preparation Program. He/she must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all professional education courses with no grade less than a “C.” He/she must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in the major or area with no grade less than a “C.”

Required Courses – 27 Hours

Take each course on this list: 25 Hours
ART 101 Drawing I – 3
ART 120 Elements of Design – 3
ART 202 Drawing II – 3
ART 214 Painting I – 3
ART 221 Three-Dimensional Design – 3
ART 310* Art History I – 3
ART 311* Art History II – 3
ART 410 Twentieth Century Art History – 3
ART 470 Senior Exhibit and Seminar – 1

Choose one course from this list: 2 Hours
ART 432 Studio Problems I – 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I – 3

Art Education Courses:
ART 330 Elementary School Art, P-5 – 3
ART 431 Secondary School Arts and Crafts – 3

Art Electives – 9 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling nine hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.

Professional Education Courses: 33 Hours

Take each course on this list:
ED 199 Entry to Teacher Preparation – 0
ED 220 Introduction to Teaching – 3
ED 300 Human Development and Learning Theory – 3
ED 310 Instructional Technology – 3
ED 325 Teaching Diverse Learners – 3
ED 359 Content Literacy – 3
ED 390 Assessment and Instructional Strategies – 3
ED 414 Classroom Management – 3
ED 450 Student Teaching – 12

Art Program Requirements

  1. Entrance to Art Education Program
    1. Videotape of six-15 high school art pieces
    2. Written Pre-test
    3. Videotape of three-five pieces from ART 101,120, 202, 221.
  2. Videotape of Senior Exhibit
  3. Written post-test

Teacher Education Continuous Assessment Program Requirements (CAP)

  1. CAP I: Intent to enter Teacher Education
  2. CAP II: Admission Requirement
  3. CAP III: Admission to Student Teaching
    Portfolio meeting all new teacher standards based on course experiences is required.
  4. CAP IV: Program Completion/Exit
    Portfolio meeting all new teacher standards based on course experiences is required for program exit.

*General Education Course


Art Major with Graphic Design Emphasis – 36 Hours Minimum

Take each course on this list: 25 Hours
ART 101 Drawing I – 3
ART 120 Elements of Design – 3
ART 121 Graphic Design I – 3
ART 221 Three-Dimensional Design – 3
ART 321 Graphic Design II – 3
ART 410 Twentieth Century Art History – 3
ART 421 Graphic Design III – 3
ART 422 Graphic Design IV – Digital Illustration – 3
ART 470 Senior Exhibit and Seminar – 1

Choose one course from this list: 3 Hours
ART 310* Art History I – 3
ART 311* Art History II – 3

Choose one course from this list: 2 Hours
ART 432 Studio Problems I – 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I – 3

Art Electives – 6 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling six hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.

*General Education Course


Art Elective List

ART 121 Graphic Design I – 3
ART 215 Ceramics I – 3
ART 222 Sculpture I – 3
ART 280 Special Topics – 3
ART 300 Stagecraft II – 3
ART 302 Drawing III – 3
ART 312 Aesthetics – 3
ART 314Painting II – 3
ART 315 Ceramics II – 3
ART 320 Photography – 3
ART 321 Graphic Design II – 3
ART 322 Sculpture II – 3
ART 324 Sculpture III – 3
ART 335 Printmaking I – 3
ART 350 Watercolor I – 3
ART 390 Special Studies in Art History I – 1-3
ART 411 World Art – 3
ART 412 Graphic Design and Animation History – 3
ART 414 Painting III – 3
ART 416 Ceramics IV – 3
ART 421 Graphic Design III – 3
ART 422 Graphic Design IV – Digital Illustration – 3
ART 432 Studio Problems I – 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I – 3
ART 435 Printmaking II – 3
ART 442 Studio Problems II – 2
ART 443 Studio Problems II – 3
ART 450 Watercolor Painting II – 3
ART 460 Service Learning Internship – 1-4
ART 461 Animation I – 3
ART 462 Animation II – 3
ART 463 Animation III – 3
ART 490 Special Studies in Art History II – 1-3