International Week

November 6 to 10, 2023/h4>

2023 Theme- Think Global

How can you Think Globally?

Be aware of what is going on around the world.
Consider global needs.
Think about how you can get involved.

Global Photo Contest

Show others how to think globally through photography.

Submit up to 3 original photos taken within the last 5 years that illustrate the International Week theme. Students, staff, and faculty are welcome to enter.

Include a 100-word, or less, description of each photo. Be sure to tell us how your photo expresses the theme!

Include a short artist statement with your name, academic year, major and any other important information you would like to share with the judges. Faculty and staff should include their professional title.

Basic editing including color enhancement, the use of filters, and cropping is acceptable, provided it does not affect the authenticity and/or genuineness of the photo(s).

Email your submissions to by November 1.


November 6
Global Stickers in the Cafeteria during lunch.
Kick-off International Week by coming to our table outside the cafeteria to pick up a fun sticker!

International Game Night in the BASC at 7 p.m.

Have you ever played Scopa, Crokinole, Mancala or Yut? This is your chance to try these fun games and more! We also have some great international drinks and snacks. Come relax and enjoy the evening!

November 7
Origami in the Library from 2 to 4 p.m.
Join the Japanese Club in the library to make and learn about the art of Origami.

November 8
International Fair in the SAC from 2 to 4 p.m.

Join us for one of the biggest events of the year! Try new food, experience amazing talent, and learn from all the cultures represented on campus. This is an event you do not want to miss!

November 9
Study Abroad Fair in the SAC from 2 to 4 p.m.
Anyone can study abroad. Come to the fair to explore your options and find out how you can participate.

Study Abroad Workshop in the BASC Atrium from 4 to 5 p.m.
This is your chance to learn more about studying abroad and to ask questions about how you can get involved. Don’t miss this opportunity!

November 10
International Trivia Game in the Cafeteria during lunch
Play a game, test your knowledge, win candy

International Dance at Primrose on Main at 7:30 p.m.
Students who participated in the International Fair are specially invited to this special dance. This dance is to reward the efforts of our amazing international (and domestic) students who have poured out their gifts and talents throughout international week. Come relax, dance, hang with friends, and make memories that will last a lifetime!

Sign Up for the International Fair!

We would love to have your participation for the international fair! Show us your country and tell us everything you love about it. Share your amazing culture through your display, food, and talent. To get involved just visit the CGE office for all the information and to sign up.

Sign-up Deadline- October 30, 2023

If you have any questions about the International Fair or other International Week events, please contact Kasey Boone at